A motor vehicle accident (car crash) can be terrifying and confusing, leaving drivers and passengers in a state of shock and not knowing what to do next. The first priority always has to be safety and avoiding more damage. But what happens when immediate medical care isn’t required?
Here are the basic steps of what to do following an accident condensed to fit in a blog:
Make a police report, or accident report to protect yourself later. Get witness names and statements. This can be extremely important later.
Get pictures of all vehicle involved. Also take pictures of signage, traffic lights, the roadway and intersections, if relevant. Also take pictures of skid marks, injuries and anything else that might help later.
Check out nearby businesses that might have video. You have to move quickly because most video systems tape over themselves within a few days. If there is helpful video, ask the business owner to preserve it. Even better, contact an attorney to help you save the video.
Get a statement for the person who caused the accident. Ask the at fault driver if you can audio or video record a statement with your cell phone.
See a Medical Doctor ASAP. Make sure you detail all of the injuries you suffered in the accident. Start keeping a calendar describing symptoms on a pain scale of 10 with 10 being really painful.
Contact your insurance company. Do this even if the accident wasn’t your fault. Don’t talk to the other party’s insurance company.
Contact an experienced personal injury attorney to help you navigate the car crash and insurance system. Almost all accident attorneys will speak with you for free, and many will come to your home if you are unable to make it to their office. Best of all, accident attorneys generally don’t get paid until you do.
If you have questions about an accident, you can trust the experienced injury attorneys at Durflinger Oliver & Associates PSto fight to get you the best settlement possible. Call today for a free consultation. If you can’t make it to us, we’ll send one of our attorneys to your home, or hospital room.